5-Day Train the Facilitator Workshop

Workshop Agenda
A five day agenda with learning objectives and topics to be covered by lectures, exercises and case studies during TTF. Document downloadable in a PDF or DOCX format.

Introduction presentation
Sustainability – Myths and Facts
Society, Economy, and the Environment
Business and Sustainability
Applying Green Chemistry to Management

Sustainability I, II, III
​5. Different Models of Sustainability
6. Case Study: The Interface Company
7. Processes for Reporting and Measuring Sustainable Actions
8. Life Cycle Assessment - Definitions & Examples

Disasters, Accidents and Unintended Consequences
Chemical and Industrial Accidents
Unintended Consequences
Green Chemistry is Everybody's Job
Perspective and Context
Green Chemistry — Where do we go from here?

Life Cycle - Input Output - Class Exercise

Definition & Benefits of Green Chemistry
Green Chemistry and Design Criteria
Chemical Design
A. Current Innovations in Chemical Design​ -
Green Chemistry Design in Other Fields
4.​ The Market for Green Chemistry
5. Green Chemistry Benefits are In Demand
6. Applications of Green Chemistry - Examples

The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry I, II
The Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry
Industrial Examples of Green Chemistry

Renewable Feedstocks
Energy and Feedstock Consumption
Renewable Feedstocks
4. Renewable Feedstocks as a Source of Energy
5. First, Second, and Third Generation Feedstocks
6. The Advantages and Drawbacks of Biofuel

Using the 12 Principles - Class Exercise

Activation Energy for Reaction
What is a Catalyst?
Types of Catalysts
Catalysts and Sustainability
Important Improvements Using catalysts
Enzymatic Reactions
Examples and Considerations

What are solvents and how are they used?
Conventional Solvents
Alternative Solvents
Solvent Selection
In-Class Exercise
Solvent Replacement

Waste Prevention
The Waste Treatment Pyramid
Reduced Solvent Use
Waste as a Feedstock
Biodegradation of Waste
Designing Processes to Include Biodegradation of Waste
In-Class Exercise

Why do We Need Metrics in Green Chemistry?
Established Metrics in Green Chemistry
Additional Metrics Used in Green Chemistry
In-Class Discussion
Solvents - Class Exercise

Biodegradation - Class Exercise

Team 1 additional file
Team 2 additional file
Team 3 additional file
Team 4 additional file

Design for Reduced Hazard I, II
Hazard and Risk — Past and Present
In-Class Discussion
Asserting Hazards and Exposure
a. What Happens When You're Exposed?
5. In-Class Exercise
6. Hazard Minimization Through Molecular Design
7. QSAR — Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship
Molecular Design research Network (MoDRN)

From Theory to Practice
Implementation: Why, What, and How
Understanding Context
a. Green Chemistry in the Marketplace -
Identifying Opportunities
a. Life Cycle and Green Chemistry Principles as a Guide to Finding Opportuinities
4. Delivering Innovation
5. Green Chemistry Strategies at All Stages
a. Green Chemistry Assessment Tool
6. How to Proceed: Moving Forward

Transformative Innovation
Nature as Inspiration
Design Challenges
a. Color -
There is Still More We Can Learn From Nature